Let's Get Moving - Join the NYC WorkWell Step Challenge - Registration Deadline Extended to 3/24

Great news because of popular demand the deadline to sign up for the Let's Move Step Challenge has been extended! The deadline is now March 24th at 11:59 pm. The Step Challenge starts on April 1st.

 How to sign up:

Gather your teammates, follow the instructions here, and sign up. Prefer to go solo? No problem—sign up and challenge yourself!  There are several DOP teams already set-up such as DOP - Beaver Street, DOP - Bronx Pacers, DOP - Kings Pacers etc. Select your team to join and let’s start walking to healthy 2025.

 Why join?

Winners will be featured and celebrated in May at our Breakfast of Champions event. Awards will be given to both teams and individuals. Compete against teams from city agencies like Pavement Pounders (HPD), The Walking Dead (OCME) and more! Come on DOP/UPOA members let’s get steppin’ !!!!


President Powell Testifies Before City Council's Committee on Public Safety

On March 7, 2025, President Powell testified before the City Council’s Committee on Public Safety. President Powell spoke about how the New York City Department of Probation is in crisis with chronic understaffing, dangerously high caseloads, and poor decision-making which jeopardizes both public safety and staff well-being. She informed the City Council that instead of fixing this crisis, the administration has:

  • Canceled academy classes and postponed critical hiring exams.

  • Forced officers to carry firearms without proper retraining.

  • Stripped probation officers of their distinct identity, pushing them toward a policing model without providing equal pay, benefits, or protections.

  • Ignored solutions proposed by UPOA to accelerate hiring and reduce strain on officers.

President Powell reminded the Council that UPOA members are highly educated professionals—predominantly women and people of color—who serve as an essential alternative to incarceration, giving justice-involved individuals a second chance while keeping our communities safe. But we cannot do our jobs effectively without investment in staffing, fair wages, and respect for our role in the justice system. To view the video of the meeting, minutes and testimony click here and to read President Powell’s testimony in its entirety click here.

Thank You UPOA Trustees for Welfare Fund Benefit Increases

In 2025, the UPOA Trustees met andvoted to increase the following Welfare Fund Benefits effective January 2025. See the revised Benefit Booklet for Active Members and Retired Members to review the new increases.

  1. Prescription Drug Benefit for Active and Retired Members was increased $500

  2. Medical Copay Benefit for Active and Retired Members was increased $300

  3. Rehabilitation Benefit fro Active and Retired Members was increased $200

Pay Increase Schedule 2025

On 1/7/25, UPOA met with the City to discuss the delay in implementing pay increases as per the MOA. The Office of Labor Relations provided an outline when the pay increases can be expected. Please review the President’s letter to members dated 1/9/25 for the details. In addition, a Zoom General Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday on 1/15/29 at 5:00 PM where representatives of OLR and DOP will address members regarding the issues and their plans moving forward. The Zoom login information will be sent to you via email.

UPOA Responds to DOP's New Timekeeping Policy

The Department of Probation (DOP) is planning to implement a new timekeeping policy that alters members terms and conditions of employment. In response, UPOA has submitted a formal request to the Office of Labor Relations to initiate collective bargaining over this proposed policy.

Additionally, we have demanded that DOP cease and desist from implementing the new policy until we have the opportunity to bargain over it.

In the meantime, we urge you to comply with the directive as issued until further notice. Please review the President's letter to members dated 1/4/25.

2025 Is Here

Wishing UPOA members a happy, healthy and prosperous year. Your generous donations at the UPOA Health and Wellness Toy and Book Drive provided sacks of toys to be distributed to our Probationers and their families.