Welfare Fund Summary Plan Description


UPDATED 3-7-25

Overview- Active

The Board of Trustees of the Fund is pleased to provide you with this Active Welfare Fund Benefits Booklet, formally known as a Summary Plan Description (SPD). An SPD describes the benefits available to you and your covered dependents under the Fund’s Plan. It includes summaries of:

• Who is eligible; • Services that are covered; • Services that are not covered; • How benefits are paid; and • Your rights and responsibilities under the Plan.

By its nature, the SPD is a condensation of many pages of contracts that the Fund holds with a number of insurance carriers and vendors. The Trustees have used best efforts to assure that these terms are conveyed completely, accurately, and in useable form. To the extent that ambiguities are perceived, or interpretation differs, the contracts govern and supersede language employed herein.

The Board of Trustees has a fiduciary responsibility to assure the financial health of the Fund. Although the Trustees intend to continue the programs and benefits described in this Plan, the Trustees continue to reserve the right, subject to the applicable provisions of the Plan documents and any applicable collective bargaining agreement, to modify, change, revise, amend, or terminate any of the plans or programs of benefits.

Actiive Benefit at a glance

UPDATED 3-7-25

Overview - Retired

The Board of Trustees of the Fund is pleased to provide you with this Retiree Welfare Fund Benefits Booklet, formally known as a Summary Plan Description (SPD). An SPD describes the benefits available to you and your covered dependents under the Fund’s Plan. It includes summaries of:

• Who is eligible;
• Services that are covered;
• Services that are not covered;
• How benefits are paid; and
• Your rights and responsibilities under the Plan.

By its nature, the SPD is a condensation of many pages of contracts that the Fund holds with a number of insurance carriers and vendors. The Trustees have used best efforts to assure that these terms are conveyed completely, accurately, and in useable form. To the extent that ambiguities are perceived, or interpretation differs, the contracts govern and supersede language employed herein.

The Board of Trustees has a fiduciary responsibility to assure the financial health of the Fund. Although the Trustees intend to continue the programs and benefits described in this Plan, the Trustees continue to reserve the right, subject to the applicable provisions of the Plan documents and any applicable collective bargaining agreement, to modify, change, revise, amend, or terminate any of the plans or programs of benefits.

Retiree Benefit at a glance