Vote on Wednesday 8-28-24 on the Collective Bargaining Contract
Voting will be held on 8/28/24 in all 5 boroughs during the lunch period from 12 pm to pm on the the the Tentative Collective Bargaining Contract. Click here read the Letter From The President for more details. To review the tentative contract click here.
A Tentative Collective Bargaining Contract May Have Been Reached
The wait for a contract may finally be over. Read all about the Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement.
President Powell Letter to Mayor Adams
President Powell wrote a letter to Mayor Adams on behalf of the members of UPOA, who are extremely concerned about the state of the Department of Probation and the operational challenges they are currently facing such as low salaries, inadequate staffing and failure to retain staff to name a few. Click here to read President’s Powell letter to Mayor Adams.
Receive Reimbursement Checks via Direct Deposit
Members can now have their benefit checks deposited into their bank account by enrolling in Direct Deposit on the member portal. Click here to review information on this new program and how to enroll.
Videos Now Available for Financial Webinars Hosted by Stacey Braun Associates
Stacey Braun Associates has hosted several financial webinars for UPOA members. If you were not able to attend here are the video links.
February 21, 2024 - Financial Planning in Retirement - Click here to watch
March 20, 2024 - Financial Planning Essentials Webinar - Click here to view video
Upcoming Financial Webinar - April 17th at 5pm - Debt & Credit Webinar - Please register -
Equal Pay Day Rally
On 3/14/24, UPOA President Powell and several of our members participated in an Equal Pay Day Rally at City Hall. Members who were not able to attend wore red in support of the cause. In a Work-Bites news article “New York State Attorney General Letitia James also attended this week’s City Hall rally and expressed her support for pay parity……James also expressed support for the city’s Probation officers, who are also overwhelmingly women of color and are required to have a college degree and to carry a gun — but earn tens of thousands of dollars less that their NYPD peers, according to the United Probation Officers Association”. To read the full article click here.
Reminder - Register for Upcoming Financial Webinars Hosted by Stacey Braun Associates
Stacey Braun Associates, Inc. provides a valuable Financial Counseling Program to UPOA members. Its cost is covered and the benefit includes several hours of annual consultation time for active members. Meetings are confidential and no financial products are sold. Sessions can address items like budgeting, debt management, saving for a home or college, insurance, 401(k)/403(b)/457(b) retirement accounts, and retirement and estate planning. Click on the below links to register for the webinars
March 20th at 5pm - Financial Planning Essentials Webinar -
April 17th at 5pm - Debt & Credit Webinar -