Congratulations ! Congratulations ! Congratulations !
We bid our UPOA Vice President a fond farewell and congratulations on her retirement. In her farewell statement she writes “So, as I limp into the sunset to spend time with my family, I want to wish you all the best. Thank you for my most enjoyable years with DOP. I will take with me friendships I have developed and precious memories. As Gladys Knight stated in one of her songs “if anyone should ever write my life story” DOP will be there between each line and glory”. To read her full statement click here
UPOA President Powell appointed Gail Sealey to the Vice President position. Gail held various positions in the union since 1999. She is experienced, tenacious and dedicated to serving our members. In her statement Gail writes “I believe my experiences as a Probation Officer and Supervising Probation Officer has afforded me the opportunity to serve this union with fairness and humility which can go long way when serving our members of UPOA”. To read her full statement click here