NYCERS Virtual Retirement Seminar
NYCERS will be hosting its’ final quarterly Comprehensive Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar (CP-RPS) for 2020 on Tuesday December 8, 2020. The event will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing, from 9:00 am to 12:45 pm. Representatives from the City’s Office of Labor Relations (Deferred Compensation and Health Insurance Plans) and the Social Security Administration will be collaborating with NYCERS to offer this event.
This seminar is designed specifically for the following members:
i) Tier 4 members enrolled in the 62/5, 55/25, and 57/5 plans who are currently eligible to retire, or who are within two (2) years of the age and service retirement requirements of their specific plan, and
ii) Tier 6 members enrolled in the Basic 63/10 Plan who are currently eligible to retire (age 63 with 10 or more years of credited service). Credited service includes membership and buy-back service.
Please email if you are interested in the attending the seminar. NCYERS will review their records and confirm your eligibility to participate. You will receive information by December 1, 2020 if you have been selected to attend.